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Love Checks In

Penny Pickle is in a pickle (pun intended). She’s finally achieved her dream of owning Big Bear Village vacation rentals in the small resort town of Keller Hollow. When a development company shows up with the promise of saving the struggling town, it sounds amazing. 

It’s not. They need her property to build their luxury resort and spa. 

Maverick Rutledge is a man on a mission. He’ll do whatever it takes to turn Keller Hollow into the premier vacation destination of the Rocky Mountains. He has staked his career on it and isn’t backing down, no matter how beautiful, spunky, and tenacious the obstacle.  

With the attraction between them growing and the survival of the town depending on the outcome, they both have a lot to lose. Neither of them will bend… until they throw in a little luck.

Love Checks In is a small-town sweet romance with a satisfying happily-ever-after.

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